More tools to enrich and enhance teaching and learning


Here is an extensive range of teaching tools listed by .

The website has been developed by Jeremy Alger.

It was created  to reflect and share his  ideas about education and technology.

Homepage is at

Web 2.0 teaching tools listed at    Web 2.0 Teaching Tools 


(Photo credit : Dr. Overy)


View and share free educational material….

Connexions is one of the most popular open education sites in the world. Its more than 17,000 learning objects or modules in its repository and over 1000 collections (textbooks, journal articles, etc.) are used by over 2 million people per month…


Schoolscience provides resources for science education…

Schoolscience provides a large range of resources for teachers and students .

It is provided by  The Association for Science Education, the UK’s largest subject teaching association.

Enrich your teaching and learning in science!
